Hesch Method

The Hesch Method is an integrated approach that treats the hip, pelvis and the lumbar spine in conjunction with the Sacroiliac joint.

Hesch Method is brief treatment, which focuses on accomplishing goals over a short period of time, generally three visits. Joint dysfunction such as the types that require repeat treatment, repeat adjustment or manipulation can often be resolved or significantly improved within this time frame.

How does the Hesch Method work?

Specific hands-on-technique, “Spring testing with Awareness” is administered to evaluate and to treat the joint. ​

With this testing method, your clinician will be able to accurately assess the joint mobility and position of the surrounding structures to determine the cause of the dysfunction. By enhancing traditional spring tests, Hesch Method allows the Therapist to evaluate true motion loss in each plane

How does it Help

Treatment involves short levers with low load and long duration stretches and mobilization. Initial positioning, application of the load, and most importantly holding the load/position for longer periods of time is the key to resolve biomechanical dysfunction, quickly. It is friendly and empowering to the patient since it can be replicated by the patient at home, once taught correctly by the therapist. The technique purpotes to evaluate the transfer of energy through pelvis instead of relying on pain provocation or postural compensations.

We will strive to make an effective, lasting change, and instruct the client in self-treatment reducing dependency on frequent care. 

“I have never felt so good, this is the first time I have felt relief in a long time.”

-WSPR client